
Cat’s obsession with Pizza, Pasta and Mozzarella

Tabby Cat Stan’s Unusual Cravings Lead to Life-Saving Hyperthyroidism Diagnosis


When tabby cat Stan began stealing Italian food from his owner Michelle Townley’s plate, she initially thought he was just being naughty. However, Stan’s persistent cravings for pizza, pasta, meatballs, and mozzarella led Michelle, a veterinary nurse, to suspect something was seriously wrong. Cats typically avoid foods slathered in tomato puree.

Michelle’s instincts were correct. A visit to the vet revealed that Stan’s sudden taste for Italian flavors was due to hyperthyroidism, a glandular disorder. This diagnosis may have saved his life, as it explained his strange eating habits.

Cat’s obsession with Pizza, Pasta and Mozzarella

Stan, now 15, requires regular medication to control his unusual cravings, but he has made a full recovery since beginning treatment.

Michelle noted, “Cats often steal bits of chicken, but Stan was ruining entire meals – pizzas and plates of spaghetti and meatballs.”

Michelle knew something was wrong when she caught Stan on the kitchen counter with chunks of spaghetti in tomato sauce.

“Normally, cats wouldn’t touch anything covered in tomato, but Stan seemed quite fond of it,” she said.

Along with his change in eating habits, Stan drank more water, became irritable, less affectionate, and lost weight despite his insatiable appetite. These signs led Michelle to take Stan for a hypothyroidism blood test, which confirmed her suspicions of an overactive thyroid.

Hyperthyroidism is the most common endocrine disease affecting middle-aged to older cats. The thyroid gland produces excess hormones, often leading to increased appetite, unexplained weight loss, hyperactivity, increased heart rate, and poor coat quality.

The thyroid gland, located in the cat’s neck, is small but vital. It influences the function of essential organs, including the heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and skin.

Signs of Hyperthyroidism in Cats:

– Weight loss
– Increased appetite
– Increased activity and restlessness
– Matted, greasy, or poor hair coat
– Fast heart rate
– Increased water drinking
– Vomiting
– Diarrhea
– Difficulty breathing (occasionally)
– Weakness

“As a vet, I knew what signs to look out for, but the symptoms of hyperthyroidism can be subtle and difficult to spot,” Michelle explained. “Stan’s condition caused his thyroid to produce too many hormones, leading to increased appetite, irritability, unexplained weight loss, high blood pressure, and increased thirst.”

Fortunately, since his diagnosis, Stan is back to his usual self. He now cuddles and plays with Michelle’s other cat, Bob, and leaves the pizza and pasta for his owner to enjoy. Stan requires daily treatment to manage his condition.

“Before, Stan would eat anything he could find, but now he lives a normal life,” Michelle added. “Within two weeks of starting treatment, he was back to his old self, playing, cuddling, going outside, and no longer eating everything in sight. We can now leave food out and feel safe knowing he won’t touch it – he’s back to only caring about his cat food meals. If we get a pizza and I fancy some more in the morning, I know it will be there unscathed.”

What do you think?

Written by Sophia Emma

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